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bari • 2 years ago

omg im right

strange guy • 1 year ago

Kinda obvious

strange guy • 1 year ago

21:25 been a while since ran cried like that

strange guy • 1 year ago

Honestly a case I’m probably not too excited to remember but only remember the storybook arc stuff

LesK • 1 year ago

well they fixed one plot hole i found in part1, the proof of the book delivered to Kogoro actually was partially faked, it was a copy not an actual proof. otherwise, the other holes were merely filled by the fait accompli of catching the guys and Sleeping Kogoro's Deduction Show. but they missed a NEW plot hole.

shown later in the pop-up-book proof AFTER the Aesop Fable of 'The Tortoise and the Hare' was the 'Middle of Seven' riddle. then another torn out page with Seven riddle's answer. after THAT torn page was an image of a constellation of stars. part 1 timecode 21:24 guess what that constellation is? The Big Dipper. what was the answer to Middle of Seven? the middle of seven stars that makes up the Big Dipper. that star was the name of the security company that owned the van the bomber blew up for the cash inside. so the answer to 'Middle of Seven' was NOT the page torn out but the page AFTER the torn one. :>

strange guy • 1 year ago

This case is my least favorite honestly